Clearing Your Name Of Criminal Charges With The Guidance Of An Experienced Indiana Expungement Attorney
Even after you have served your time and paid your dues after a criminal conviction, you may be experiencing unintentional consequences of your charges. Difficulty gaining employment and earning student loans are only a few of the additional challenges that can come from a conviction. Thankfully, there are ways to stop these problems.
The Indiana criminal defense and expungment attorney at Hayes Law Office help clients to clear their criminal histories from their records with expungements and sealings.
Expungements And Sealings In Indiana
Sealing or expunging a record are two methods of dealing with charges on a record, and each of them has a different function. An expungement allows you a one-time opportunity to remove any previous arrests or convictions that are eligible for the option. Sealing a record means that it still exists legally, but it’s only accessible to criminal justice agencies.
Not everyone is eligible for a sealing or expungement, but that does not mean you should give up on your situation. An experienced expungement lawyer can explain your options and stand strong on your behalf throughout the Indiana criminal expungement process. Generally, eligibility for expungement involves a waiting period, as follows:
- One year to address arrest records if there was no conviction
- Five years if you were convicted of a misdemeanor
- Eight years if you were convicted of a nonviolent felony
Whether you were arrested in the past in Greenwood, Carmel or Indianapolis (or anywhere in Indiana), the legal team at Hayes Law Office can review the unique factors of your case to determine what you are eligible for. Similarly, the details surrounding a criminal conviction in Indiana may be the subject of your desire to seal the record. Hayes Law Office will help you to determine you are eligible, and will develop a strategy of pursuing the expungement or sealing that you need to get the life you deserve.
To get started on clearing your record, call Hayes Law Office at 317-759-1515. Consulting an expungement attorney for a free consultation can help you to fully understand your options and move forward with the guidance of a professional attorney who takes command in all matters involving criminal charges.
Frequently Asked Questions About Criminal Record Expungements
Even if years have passed after your criminal conviction, your record can follow you and cause difficulties. Hayes Law Office is a well-regarded Indianapolis criminal defense firm. Indianapolis expungement lawyer Philip Hayes is here to answer your questions and provide strategic guidance regarding expungement and sealings. In the meantime, please see some answers to frequently asked questions.
What is expungement in Indiana?
An expungement allows you to remove previous arrests or convictions from your criminal record. This means potential employers and landlords cannot see your expunged criminal history on background checks.
What types of criminal and arrest records can be sealed or expunged in Indiana?
In Indiana, you can have criminal records involving arrests, charges, convictions, delinquency adjudications, appellate court records, trial court records, civil forfeiture records, and protective orders expunged or sealed.
Are there any misdemeanors that cannot be sealed or expunged?
Most misdemeanors are eligible for expungement if you have had a long enough period with no arrests and you pay off your court fees. Depending on the severity of your crime and charges, you must wait at least five years after your conviction to file for expungement. If your charge is a sex crime, violent crime or an issue of public corruption, you may not be eligible for expungement in Indiana.
Are the criminal records destroyed in expungement?
An expungement will not destroy your records. Rather, an expungement prevents nongovernmental or law enforcement persons from accessing your criminal records. It protects you from employers, landlords or others learning of your criminal record.
How many times can I expunge my records?
In Indiana, you may only seek expungement once. This means you must include all your records in your initial petition for expungement. If you are seeking expungement for charges in multiple counties, you must file a petition for each charge with the county within one year. Because you have one opportunity for expungement, it is prudent to seek the guidance and representation of a criminal defense lawyer who has a strong command of Indiana expungement law.
Put Your Past In The Past – Call An Experienced Expungement Attorney In Indianapolis
Whether you were never convicted, or your criminal charge is from a case from more than a year ago, you deserve to live in the present rather than the past. Let Hayes Law Office help you get your records sealed or expunged to clear your name by calling the Indianapolis criminal defense office at 317-759-1515 or emailing the firm here. Now is the best time to contact the law firm’s attorney to pursue your expungement, so do it today. Hayes Law Office represents clients throughout the Indianapolis area, including in Hamilton County, in Johnson County and in Marion County.