About Those Questions Keeping You Awake At Night After A DUI/OWI Arrest
Are questions swirling in your mind, making it hard to sleep after you or a close family member was stopped while driving and then charged with operating while intoxicated (OWI-DUI) in Indiana?
At Hayes Law Office, experienced lawyers are available to answer your questions with relevance to your legal situation. Meanwhile, see brief answers to some questions clients often ask about DUI, below:
Can I apply for specialized driving privileges if my license is suspended for a DUI?
Yes. A court may grant you permission to drive only to work or school and back, or to drive only within a limited distance. You may need to use an interlock device or meet other requirements. A skilled defense attorney can make your case for an arrangement that allows you to work, study or meet other obligations.
Can I be charged for driving under the influence of drugs?
Yes. Even if you have a prescription, driving impaired puts you at risk of DUI charges.
Can an OWI be sealed or expunged in Indiana?
Yes, you can petition a court to limit access to your records, as follows:
- After one year if you were found not guilty
- After five years if you were convicted of a misdemeanor
- After eight years if you were convicted of a nonviolent felony
You may petition to have your criminal record expunged based on individual factors.
What are the penalties for an OWI conviction?
Penalties depend on factors such as how high your blood alcohol content was; whether children were passengers in your car and whether your DUI is a first or repeat offense. Penalties range from 60 days in jail to 12 years in prison and fines ranging from $500 to $10,000.
Will an DUI/OWI affect my insurance?
You should assume the answer will soon be yes. Your insurer will likely raise your rates and/or cancel your policy. Other insurance companies may decline to insure you or they may charge you higher rates.
What happens if I refused a breath test or blood test?
You likely already had the following experiences: you were arrested immediately. A police officer confiscated your driver’s license, and it will be suspended for one year.
Call For More Answers To Your Individual DUI Questions
Call the firm at 317-759-1515 or complete an online form to speak with an formidable DUI defense attorney about your DUI charges. From Greenfield to Greenwood, Hayes Law Office represents individuals accused of drunk driving throughout the Indianapolis area, including in Hamilton County, in Johnson County and in Marion County.