Commitment To Justice

What Are Different Charges for Having an Illegal Firearm

On Behalf of | Mar 23, 2020 | Criminal Defense

Having an Illegal Firearm

In Indianapolis, Indiana being caught with an illegal firearm without a license can result in a firearm charge. Depending on your record, you could be looking at 6 months to a year in jail. No matter if it’s in your home, vehicle, or on you. Indiana has strict laws against this action. If you find yourself or a loved one facing illegal possession of a firearm charge give Hayes Law Office a call today.

Possible Charges You Could Be Facing

Most of the time these type of searches are done when someone is being pulled over or been issued a warrant. If you have been caught with an illegal firearm and you already have past charges it can result in a longer sentence behind bars and additional fees.

If you are a prior felony and you are caught with possession of a firearm then you can be charged for a potential crime. For example, the courts can look at it as you were looking to use the firearm to robbery or commit burglary against someone or something.

Another example would be you had possession of a firearm to commit a violent act against someone that could lead to an injury or death. These are a few examples of what a prior felon could be faced with or charged with if convicted for possession of an illegal firearm.

Here at Hayes Law Office, our Criminal Defense Attorneys will make sure to assist you in every way possible to make sure you aren’t charged for crimes you didn’t commit. Give us a call today at 317-759-1515.

Offenses For Illegal Possession of Firearm in Indiana

  • For your first offense it will be considered a class A misdemeanor and you will be facing up to a year in prison. This could also come with a fine of up to $5,000.
  • For your subsequent offense it will be considered a class C felony, and you will be facing up to two to eight years in prison. This could also come with a fine of up to $10,000.
  • If an illegal possession of firearm is caught by a convicted felon, he or she will be facing up to ten years imprisonment.
  • If you have 3 or more prior violent felonies, and you are caught with possession of an illegal firearm you will be facing up to fifteen years in prison.

These charges can add up depending on what you were doing when you were caught with an illegal firearm. For example, if you were committing a robbery or burglary and you had possession of an illegal firearm. Now you looking facing up to 25 years imprisonment. This is because you will be charged with the sentence for the firearm and an addition sentence for the substantive robbery charge.

Indianapolis Firearm Defense Attorney

If you or a loved one is facing a Firearm charge give our Criminal Defense Attorneys a call today at 317-759-1515.